Perimkite savo finansinės laisvės kontrolę

Limited Chroma kortelė suteikia paaugliams galimybę savarankiškai valdyti savo išlaidas naudojant blockchain technologiją – pasaulinės prekybos ateitį.

Coming Soon
Įrodykite savo nepriklausomybę
Chroma yra tavo kortelė. Žinoma, suaugęs asmuo gali nustatyti išlaidų ribas, tačiau tai yra tavo sąskaita, kurią gali valdyti ir prižiūrėti, kad įrodytum, jog esi finansiškai atsakingas.
Neturite kortelės? Jokių problemų.
Visos Limited Chroma paskyros apima virtualias korteles, kurios lengvai integruojasi su Apple ir Google piniginėmis, todėl galite užsisakyti tą boba arbatą net jei pamiršote kortelę namuose.
Coming Soon
Išspręstos problemos
Turn chores into fun challenges
If you have to help out around the house anyway, you might as well make a game out of it. Use the Limited app to turn chores into challenges so you can get paid each time you complete your to-do list.
Automate your
If the grown ups in your life want you to act like an adult, they need to pay you like one. Set up automatic allowance transfers so you can learn to budget your money your way.
Learn how the future of money works
All funds on Limited are held in USD and EURO as USDC and EURC, popular stable coins built on blockchain technology. So not only does your Chroma account help you build financial freedom, it gives you access to the most modern tools powering the future of global commerce.
Susigrąžinkite savo kapitalo kontrolę.
Frequently Asked Questions
What services does Limited offer?

Limited  provides international money transfer services and cross-border banking experience, allowing users globally to send and receive funds across borders efficiently and securely while having full custody of their funds.

Who can apply for Limited accounts and Cards?

Limited has global coverage, you can apply for an account from anywhere except in some restricted jurisdictions. For more information please visit our Help Center

How do I create an account with Limited?

Limited is invite only at the moment. To secure your spot, join the waitlist here.

How long does it take for a transfer to be completed?

All transfers to other Limited users are free and instant. Other transfer rails vary depending on the destination country and currency. Limited supports real-time transfers in certain countries. Others, typically take from 1-3 business days. Go to help center to check your country's transfer time.

Are there any fees associated with transactions?

Yes, Limited charges a small fee for each transaction. The exact fee depends on the amount and destination country. You can view the fee breakdown before confirming your transfer.

Are there any limits on the amount I can transfer?

Yes, there are minimum and maximum transfer limits, which vary based on the destination country and currency. Please refer to our transfer limits page for detailed information.

Is my money safe with Limited?

Absolutely. We employ advanced security measures, including encryption and two-factor authentication, to ensure your funds and personal information are protected.

Can I cancel a transfer after it’s been initiated?

In some cases, you can cancel a transfer if it hasn’t been processed yet. This is assessed on a case by case basis. Please contact support for more assistance

Does Limited offer a mobile app?

Yes, our mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to manage your transfers on the go.

How can I contact customer support?

You can reach our customer support team via email at